Retirement Planning

Retirement Strategies

Retirement isn’t what it used to be. Australians are living longer, healthier and more active lives – and depending on your retirement goals and current age, your employer Super Guarantee contributions may not be enough to fund your lifestyle in retirement. So how much is enough? Our team of specialists can help you work out how much you need to retire comfortably based on your retirement goals with a plan on how to get there.


If you are about to retire or already retired, we can help you arrange your finances to help build a retirement income which is reliable and tax effective… and which should last for your lifetime or longer.

We can show you how to pay little or no tax on your lump sum; and if you own a business or farm we can show you how to reduce or even eliminate tax on its sale.


Looking towards retirement can bring a wide range of emotions – excitement, relief, and sometimes concern. You may be asking yourself:

  • When can I retire?
  • Do I have enough to retire on?
  • When and how can I access my superannuation?
  • Will I have to pay tax ever again?
  • How much should I be spending in retirement?
  • What will I receive from Centrelink?

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